guess who's back?
Due to the introduction of El-Boogie into our mix, movie watching around the Mizang household as been in precipitious decline but god bless Tivo for making sure that we still get our share of television in. Some thoughts on the current (or is it now last?) season:
Gotta do this even though it's already been talked to death. S and I finally caught Revenge of the Sith. SOME SPOILERS (SORT OF)
1) Whoever said it was better than the original Star Wars was clearly puffing on the pipe. Maybe I don't remember this correctly, but EP IV didn't bore me to tears for everything but the last half hour. This movie wasn't even better than Return of the Jedi, Ewoks and all. This was better than EP I and II but that, of course, isn't saying anything at all.
2) "Where is Padme" = words that James Earl Jones should not be uttering. Include also within there, "Nooooooooo!!!", a reaction so corny, it makes all of William Shatner's overacting in Star Trek seem like DeNiro instead.
3) "Hold me like you did by the lake at Naboo." GTFOOH with that BS. This is destined to be one of the all-time worst movie lines. Ever.
4) Speaking of Natalie Portman, I feel for her. This must rank as one of the greatest wastes of talent ever. More to the point, in one of the balcony scenes, her skin looked terrible (her hairstyles weren't so hot either) and I thought to myself, "isn't this all in digital? Couldn't they have fix the lighting or something, wtf?"
5) Ewan McGregor is the only thing really watchable in the film and his, "you were my brother" speech at the end was one of the few pieces of dialogue that felt real.
6) Chewbacca's cameo was pointless and looking back, so was C3PO's and R2D2's. Their inclusion in EP I - III doesn't really bridge much at all. Seriously, who cares if Anakin built C3PO or that R2 originally belonged to Padme? What does this add to the narrative? Maybe they should have included the Han Solo cameo (rumored to be him as a young boy, being raised by Wookies - yeah, the mind reels). What more could they have had to lose?
7) As others have noted, the last five minutes of the film were very powerful - not because they're inherently great scenes but because they tap into the strong well of emotion and nostalgia we have for the original Star Wars. At least Lucas showed enough common sense to include that.
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