Latest Non-Existent Japanese Fashion Trend
Apparently, most Americans will believe anything written about Japan, which has undoubtedly been crowned the land of the weird wacky kinky freaky fetish people.
Recently, I received an email titled: "Think you have seen it all?", which claims that the current fashion rage in Japan is the above faux "see-thru skirts" that contain a print on the back designed to make it appear as if the wearer's underwear is visible. (As this site points out, this is a hoax.) C'mon, gullible people! Japanese women don't wear skirts!
This isn't anything new; urban legends about Japan go way back. You can imagine the political climate that bred the oft-repeated urban legend that a Japanese town named itself 'USA' in order for companies located there to legitimately stamp their exports 'Made in USA.'
So remember kids: just because my mother, whom I love, went shopping with my little brother and bought him breast scarves and a "12-Play-12-Pack" of lifesize R. Kelly dolls for his birthday yesterday -- as most Japanese mothers do -- doesn't mean that every freakish thing written about the Japanese is true.

Happy Birthday, Oshiri!
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