stepping out of the shadow
You just KNEW that Powell had grave reservations about Iraq, about a lot of foreign policy but out of loyalty, fear, whatever, he bit his tongue. Finally, he's come out and candidly shared his opinion on Iraq. Where were you two years ago though?
Powell regrets 'mess' of Iraq
- "COLIN POWELL, the former US Secretary of State, harshly criticised the Bush Administration yesterday for its failures in Iraq, calling the country a mess and voicing concerns that it may slide into civil war."
"Asked in an interview broadcast on ABC whether he regretted his support for the war, he replied: “Who knew what the whole mess was going to be like?” He added: “What we didn’t do in the immediate aftermath of the war was to impose our will on the whole country, with enough troops of our own, with enough troops from coalition forces, or by recreating the Iraqi forces, armed forces, more quickly than we are doing now. “And it may not have turned out to be such a mess if we had done some things differently.”
"Turning to his pre-war address to the UN Security Council, when he forcefully made the case for invasion and offered proof that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, General Powell said that he felt terrible about the claims he made. Asked whether the speech would tarnish his reputation, he replied: “Of course it will. It’s a blot. I’m the one who presented it on behalf of the United States to the world, and (it) will always be part of my record. It was painful. It’s painful now.”
"General Powell said that he had “never seen evidence to suggest” a connection between the attacks of September 11, 2001, and the regime of Saddam Hussein, unlike Dick Cheney, the Vice-President, who has made such a claim."
Too little too late? Or another crack in the facade, post-Katrina?
(Source: Soulstrut)
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