Today is the first day I have ever voluntarily joined a conga line.
For anyone who hasn't noticed, I'm currently on a blog sabbatical, which I predict will end by mid-October.
But I'd like to make a brief cameo appearance since everyone in the office just got a one hour break today to celebrate something we've long awaited: the T.D.H.B.I. (Tom Delay Has Been Indicted) Party. After all, the Hammer got tagged with felony charges and has stepped down as House leader. I'm proud to be an American!
Although the Texas grand jury process is highly unpredictable, here is an illustration of one outcome that I would find highly favorable.
There are only two bad things about this:
1. I thought "DELAY" was a good word to describe the Republican response to Hurrican Katrina.
2. They've replaced Rep. DeLay with his right-hand man, Rep. Roy Blunt, who is just as reliable as a homophobe, although with the twist that he's a closeted gay homophobe. If the new House leader does come out of the closet, it will be interesting, as well as a lame pun, to see how fast the GOP smokes Blunt.
I promise to write again during the inevitable B.F.H.A.B.I. (Bill Frist Has Also Been Indicted) rager. I also promise to document all my keg stands and body shots if I ever get to host a G.W.B.H.B.I (George W. Bush Has Been Impeached) party.
These days, it's sad the things that make me smile and celebrate.
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