President Bush nominated ultra-conservative Samuel Alito, a judge on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, to the Supreme Court.
Since today is Halloween, instead of posting the predictable rant, I thought I'd scare everyone and write the opposite of what I'm feeling:
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Yippppeee! At last, our savior, George W. Bush, has delivered on his promise to appoint a justice in the mold of Thomas and Scalia -- the only two on the Supreme Court who recognize that Christ's law is supreme and that the U.S. Constitution should only be interpreted consistent with the compassionate colonialism of our slave-holding forefathers!
We must now contact all of our fellow members in CCC (Caucasian Christian Coalition) to rally support for nominee Samuel Alito! His nickname is even "Scalito," because of how his judicial philosophy mirrors Justice Scalia.
Unlike Harriet Myers, who could not be replied upon because she has breasts and because breasts might lead conservatives to become sensitive to the needs of gyno-Americans and Negroes, Judge Alito will be faithful to those of us who think Rehnquist is a liberal wacko.
Alito will put the U.S. back into U-T-E-R-U-S.
After all, in his 1991 concurrence/dissent in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, he wrote that there was nothing unconstitutional about a law that required women to notify their husbands before having an abortion. Essentially, he articulated the truth that women are too stupid to deserve a choice. Hee-haw!
Alito is also quite aware that the people being most discriminated today are rich straight white men.
In the area of men's rights, Alito wrote an opinion in 2000 that ruled that the Family Medical Leave Act (which guarantees, among other things, employees time off to take care of their children or care for an immediate family member) was unconstitutional because there is no evidence that women are disadvantaged in the workplace without family leave rights.
Alito will also eliminate all the "special rights" that minorities have acquired since we agreed to share water fountains. In 1997, Judge Alito wrote a dissent in the case of Brav. v. Marriott Hotels that argued that employers should receive protection from racial discrimination lawsuits if they believe they selected the "best" candidate, even if their sense of "best" is tainted by their racial bigotry.
In short, Alito will return America to its full glory, before desegregation and women's rights ruined everything. May those who filibuster him roast in hell!
Scarlet letters for everyone! Leave no billionaire behind! No creationism, no peace! Beam Sulu to hell, Scotty! These colors don't run ... but they run the world!
Heil Alito! Heil Bush!
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The White House is now 1,000,000,000 times scarier than a Haunted House.

On behalf of everyone at, Happy Halloween!
The White House is now 1,000,000,000 times scarier than a Haunted House.

On behalf of everyone at, Happy Halloween!
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