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Each year, the Supreme Court receives almost 8,000 petitions per year. The Justices only agree to hear (a.k.a. grant the writ of certiorari with regard to) a mere 80 cases, about 1% of the total requests. The high court only reviews those cases that raise issues of national importance or provide the chance to set a nationally uniform rule that settles divided legal authority.
Which is to say - holy mother of Satan's poop chute - I can't believe the highest court in the land just agreed to hear the Anna Nicole Smith inheritance case.
Only in America does a newly-appointed head of the judicial branch begin his lifetime (I predict half a century) tenure by hearing arguments over whether a famed Trimspa spokeswoman and Playboy centerfold is the rightful heir of the millions from the estate of her elderly lover whose octogenerian cullions she lovingly nurtured for a good eight months until he died.
I don't know which justice pushed to hear Anna Nicole's case. But I can say that when I see CNN's headline for this news story -- "Playmate Appeals to Supreme Court" -- I think of Justice Clarence Thomas.
Anna Nicole Smith is apparently planning to attend the oral arguments. It's too bad she's not arguing the case herself. I saw her reality show and know that her brain, which can generously be described as inactive and comatosely retarded, would explode if forced to discuss the issue in this case: whether the probate exception to federal court jurisdiction only allows state courts to hear estate-settlement cases.
It's hard to predict how the Court will rule. But I can say with confidence that Chief Justice Roberts will take away her right to an abortion.
One final note: I am not a legal historian, but I am certain that Anna Nicole Smith is the only SCOTUS ligitant whose chest has been reported to have exploded.
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