You've Got Thicke!
For over 10 years and running, I ain't had a single reason to become an AOL member.
Until now.
AOL will be launching a free new broadband network for members -- "In2TV" -- that will be offering exclusive video-on-demand of numerous "classic" television shows like Growing Pains, the sitcom that launched the careers of Kirk Cameron and Tracey Gold and extinguished child-star Leonardo DiCaprio's path toward stardom.
How will you find it? Perhaps, AOL Keyword: Boner
(I challenge anyone else to use the soon-to-be-popular catchphrase "AOL Keyword: Boner" in a similarly decent and appropriate manner.)
With iTunes offering episode downloads of Lost and Desperate Housewives and other sites streaming high-quality broadband videos, the future of television has undoubtedly arrived.
So I ask you all to help speed up the decapitation of the Nielsen families (do these people actually exist?) and their monopoly on American television programming so I can continue to watch brilliant shows like Arrested Development and Andy Richter Controls The Universe in the comfort of my own office where I should be doing some work right now.
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