Raw Deal: Props 73 thru 78 deserve no props
I have been so busy that I completely failed to do a post on the California statewide initiatives. There's only a few hours left, but I hope you'll go out and vote ... unless you're a Schwarzenegger-supporter, in which case you should vote on Wednesday, when your vote will count twice as much.
Here is how I'm planning to vote:
Prop 73 (makes kids go to back alleys for abortions): Hell No
Prop 74 (makes public school teaching even more unattractive): No
Prop 75 (take away union's political speech): No
Prop 76 (governor gets one step closer to God-like powers): No
Prop 77 (pro-Republican redistricting): No
Prop 78 (prescription drug law written by pharmaceutical companies): No
Prop 79 (drug discounts - serves more people than 78): Yes
Prop 80 (re-regulates electricity under California Public Utilities Commission): Yes
These endorsements line up perfectly with the SFBG, which does a good job breaking down the legalese.
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