This year, the most popular search term on Lycos was: Paris Hilton.
Barf. Yes, the celebrity I hate most generated more searches than any other search term this year. Although Ms. Hilton might have gained a few extra hits from the fact that there is a Hilton Hotel in Paris, I suspect most web surfers were searching how to get reservations inside the human Paris Hilton.
Seeing the hotel heiress/porn star's name on the top of this list shouldn't have been a surprise given the popularity of sexual material on the Internet. But I am disappointed that the world has such bad taste in pornography.
Indeed, Lycos's Top 100 search terms contain 98 other people or things that I'd prefer to see au naturel over Paris Hilton: Jessica Alba (#50), Denise Richards (#57), Sailor Moon (#41), Andy Milonakis (#76), Slipknot (#81), Hurricane Katrina (#10), Neopets (#19), the IRS (#52), Harry Potter (#27), and Pokemon (#8), to name a few.
The only person I'd leave off my preferred list would be Clay Aiken, #64, who I consider equally aesthetically displeasing as Paris Hilton.
Update: Britney Spears topped Yahoo's 2005 list, while Paris came in at #7.
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