The Real O.C.: Ms. Bench-Salorio puts the middle in middle school
Over in my neck of the woods, a female 29-year-old Orange County middle school teacher is now doing time in the clink for fornicating with students half her age. Ms. Sarah Bench-Salorio, whose husband was once a school board candidate, was sentenced to six years of time in the hoosegow and required to register as a sex offender for her 29 counts of lewd conduct.
Aside from the seemingly new trend of female teachers having sex with their underage male students, there isn't much newsworthy here. But it does take a special defendant - on trial for sexual molestation - to mouth the words "I love you" to the victim during a preliminary hearing.
I also enjoyed this quote from Deputy District Attorney John F. Christl:
"I do not subscribe to the locker-room science where a boy should feel privileged to be molested by someone twice his age."Also, I figured out that the victims' fathers were probably born around 1966. This means they were big fans of rock music when they were 18, which was in 1984, which is also the year that produced the hit Van Halen single "Hot for Teacher."
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In other sexual predator news, The Today Show's movie critic Gene Shalit is justifiably in hot water for saying, in a recent film review, that Jake Gyllenhaal's character in Brokeback Mountain strikes him as a "sexual predator."
GLAAD has wisely responded that "It seems highly doubtful that Shalit would similarly claim that Titanic's Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) was a 'sexual predator' because he was pursuing a romantic relationship with Rose (Kate Winslet)."
It makes you wonder about the health of Gene Shalit's relationship with his son, Dr. Peter Shalit, who is an openly gay physician and the author of "Living Well, the Gay Man's Essential Health Guide."
The other parts of Shalit's Brokeback review are especially worth viewing to hear lines like:
"The sheep do nothing special as they bleed around the bush. But Jack and Ennis do something special namely - they have sex."and
"Its unconventional theme is outside the buns."When, exactly, did Shalit lose all his marbles? No doubt, he is getting better at impersonating Saturday Night Live's Horatio Sanz's character called "Gene Shalit."
I wish I knew how to quit you, Gene Shalit!
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