Officer Kupke
This Week's Question:
Who is more culpable for the rising (and alarming) number of women getting plastic surgery: men or women?
I realize that this question forces you to make broad generalizations and risks over-simplifying complex factors. But I've been surprised to hear a few friends answer this question by arguing that it's entirely the fault of one side or the other. So, hey, I thought I'd ask it here.
FYI - I realize that the popularity of plastic surgery is nothing new, but I find it shocking that according to this report there was a 49% increase in the total number of women who underwent cosmetic procedures in the United States from 2003 to 2004. In 2004, the top five surgical cosmetic procedures in 2004 were: liposuction (478,251 Americans, up 24%); breast augmentation (334,052, up 19%); eyelid surgery (290,343, up 8%); rhinoplasty (166,187, down 4%); and facelift (157,061, up 25%). Women receive 90% of the total number of cosmetic procedures performed.
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