crazy in love
When Junichi and I started Poplicks, it was implicitly understood that we weren't trying to turn it into a space to discuss the endless minutiae of our personal lives - that is, of course, what Xanga.com is for (not that I'm hating. If not for Xanga, I wouldn't know half the things my sister's been up to). I mean, you don't come to Poplicks to be bored by pictures of my kid or learn more about Junichi's mix-CD. However, occasionally, the circumstances merit an exception.
Case in point, as I briefly alluded to on Friday, Junichi married the love o' his life on Saturday, Dima. I won't bog you down in (too many) details, but suffice to say, it was one of the loveliest weddings I've been to (outside, you know, my own).
To address some of the speculation one might have as to what a Semitsu/Hilal Nuptial™ might be like, there was no drum line or b-boy squad or skydiving team or, I'm most sad to say, noh performers. There were however shamadan dancers (Dima's family is Lebanese) and one of the funniest officiants I've seen lead a ceremony (you wouldn't necessarily expect a Dick Cheney joke to go over that well in the middle of officiating, but it was rather golden).
Most of all though, as you might expect from the pairing between two people who met through Poetry For the People, bride and groom were both wonderfully expressive but even more surprising, their families, including Junichi's mom and brother and Dima's sister and father, were just as effusive. Seriously, if you've ever been to a wedding where people make stiff, perfunctory speeches, you'll appreciate how genuinely refreshing it is to have folks be funny and entertaining and heartfelt, all at once. I mean...there were five toasts, none shorter than five minutes, and it never felt taxing. (And believe me, I've been some weddings where I wanted to reach for a gong during the best man's speech, for example).
In summation, it was a beautiful, awesome event. J and D are about to leave on honeymoon, a 10 day tour of Chinese coal mines (*canaries not included) and I'll try to pick up the slack in the meantime. It helps that I'm not feeling like I'm dying any more after a 10 day bout of a wicked winter cold combined with the coxsackie virus my dear daughter passed along (note: blisters on your tongue? So not a good look. Or feel). And with that, I'll try to get Poplicks back to what it's best at (uh...), that is, anything besides news about us.
*Actually, it wasn't a chapel. It was this swanky art gallery/event space. I apologize for the fabrication.
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