Spreading the word on the difference between holes
Seems the answer is yes.
Buddhism is arguably one of the more open-minded religions, but when it comes to sexuality, it may not be any better than the others.
I just learned that the Dalai Lama, an otherwise steadfast supporter of human rights, doesn't condone gay relationships. His holiness also condemns all sexual activity involving "the other two holes."
From an article in
Although [the Dalai Lama] is known for his tolerant, humane views, he is a surprisingly harsh critic of homosexuality. If you are a Buddhist, he says, it is wrong.Apparently, his holiness is unaware of how much life I can create with my other holes.
"Full stop. No way round it."
"A gay couple came to see me, seeking my support and blessing. I had to explain our teachings. Another lady introduced another woman as her wife - astonishing. It is the same with a husband and wife using certain sexual practices. Using the other two holes is wrong."
At this point, he looks across at his interpreter - who seems mainly redundant - to check that he has been using the right English words to discuss this delicate matter. The interpreter gives a barely perceptible nod.
"A Western friend asked me what harm could there be between consenting adults having oral sex, if they enjoyed it," the Dalai Lama continues, warming to his theme. "But the purpose of sex is reproduction, according to Buddhism. The other holes don't create life. I don't mind - but I can't condone this way of life." (Credit: Americablog)
I have no idea what that last sentence means.
Anyway, to be fair, the Dalai Lama has also stated that Buddhism prohibits all oral, manual and anal sex for both gay and straight people. Banned are what my friend Brandon would describe as "the fun stuff."
Nonetheless, his statements disappoint.
I have great respect for him, but sadly, there seems to be no meaningful distinction between his views on gay relationships and, say, the Pope's.
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