This week represents the one year anniversary since the official launch of Poplicks.com.
Over the last twelve months, we've managed to rack up 456,637 page views, which is an impressive statistic, considering only half of them were by me and Oliver.
To celebrate, O-Dub and I will be giving away some prizes by conducting a trivia contest to be released sometime in the next few weeks. Details tba.
We're also hoping to revamp the graphics on this site. If you're a graphic artist and would be interested in creating a new banner for us, please send us jpegs at junichi @ poplicks.com and oliver @ poplicks.com (without the spaces, of course). We'll shower you with shoutouts and whatever spare change we have in our pockets. (For your reference, the old banner can be found here.)
If Oliver can spare some time from changing his daughter's diapers and I can spare some time from changing my own diapers, hopefully we'll work up some special anniversary week posts.
Thanks for reading!
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