Welcome to the first ever Poplicks Trivia Challenge!
Contest is closed! The winner and answers will be posted soon.
Here are the rules:
- Only one entry per person.
- You can use any resources you want, including search engines and contacting friends. (But keep in mind that only one person gets the credit and prizes.)
- We must receive your answers via email to trivia @ poplicks.com (without the spaces) by Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at 9 am Pacific Standard Time. Answers received after the deadline will neither be read nor scored.
- In your email, please put your name in the subject of the email and number all your answers.
- If you provide more than one answer to a question, you will get no credit.
- If you're close, we reserve the right to give partial credit.
- Spelling does not matter, so long as it's close.
- If any question (or answer) is deemed to be ambiguous, misleading, or inaccurate, the question will be eliminated.
- The person who answers the most questions correctly will receive a package of stuff including various mixtapes, Pez dispensers, and other miscellaneous stuff clogging up our homes.
- If there is a tie, the person who submitted his or her entry first wins.
- The results and correct answers will be posted no later than next Monday, May 15, 2006.
1. What font is "Poplicks.com" (above) written in?
2. Name a former foreign leader, currently on trial for crimes against humanity, who once received a key to a major American city.
3. Before Wayne Wang made the groundbreaking Chan Is Missing, he was working at a Chinatown organization in San Francisco, using that experience to base many of his characters off of. What was the name of that organization?
4. Name the two famous Shakespearean characters most likely to be mentioned when an air control tower is communicating with an approaching airplane pilot.
5. Identify this early '90s Asian American rap group
6. What product was Muhammad Ali endorsing in this ad below? (I used Photoshop to remove all the text from the ad.)

7. What is this audio snippet from?
8. Name the original source of the drum break playing in the background of the song from Question #7.
9. Who is closest to the Statue of Liberty: BOB, JAN, MEL, SAL, or NAS?
10. Name the British singer-songwriter whose debut album title is also an anagram of her name.
11. Name this artist.
12. What national magazine was originally going to be titled "Facts"?
13. What date did this game happen on?
14. What current baseball team's former name is also a beverage that was endorsed by the late Redd Foxx?
15. In January of 1990, The Source put out their "Rap Music Decade: 1980-1990" special issue, in which they list the editors' Top 44 Old School Hits and Top 40 "Def In the Now School" picks. Name one of the songs from the Top 3 on each list.
16. The Orange County Register once quoted Whoopi Goldberg as saying, "Stay off my eye color because if I want to change it I will." Who was she addressing?
17. Name three of the Senior Contributing Writers who worked on Classic Material.
18. Which of the following celebrities are not, in any way, of Lebanese descent: Salma Hayek, Ralph Nader, Paul Anka, Shakira, F. Murray Abraham, Casey Kasem, Tiffany?
19. What former cheerleader from South Carolina first appeared on national television on The Price is Right before eventually doing cameo appearances on Full House and Married ... With Children?
20. Translate Oliver's daughter's surname from Japanese/Chinese to English.
Again, email your answers to trivia @ poplicks.com (without the spaces) by Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at 9 am Pacific Standard Time.
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