I am about to do something I've never done before on this blog: say something genuinely complimentary about George W. Bush.
Here it goes: I applaud the fact that President Bush has consistently advocated creating a path for the 12 million so-called "illegal" immigrants in the U.S. to become "legal" and, possibly, a U.S. citizen. His position is not a popular stance to take on the national level, and it certainly isn't welcome within his party.
I'm not saying W is great on immigration, or for that matter, any issue related to people of color, or for that matter, any issue. It wouldn't shock me if he designed a mile-high electric fence along the U.S.-Mexico border that makes the Berlin Wall, the Great Wall of China, and the Israeli Wall in Palestine all look like speed bumps.
But I have quietly admired him for not completely jumping on the anti-immigrant bandwagon like the other xenophobic lemmings in the GOP who incessantly pander to Southern racists.
Sadly, this morsel of respect just disintegrated today when the New York Times reported that he's backing down from his position and caving in to the House Republicans who want to deport every Spanish speaker in America.
Flip flop!
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