The modified San Francisco Treat
For a themed potluck I attended yesterday, I was instructed to bring a dish that reminds me of my childhood. Two things came to mind: (1) rice balls, a common Japanese staple also known as onigiri or omusubi; and (2) Rice-A-Roni, which culinary experts refer to as the San Francisco Treat.
While pondering which one to prepare for the dinner, I had a rare flash of brilliance: combine the two into one.
After some trial and error, I perfected the process and can finally contribute to the world of Pan-Asian fusion.
Here is the recipe for Junichi's Rice-A-Roni Balls, which is quite obvious if you already know how to make regular rice balls:
- One box of Rice-A-Roni, preferably chicken flavored
- One packet of nori (seaweed) designed for making sushi or rice balls
- Salt
- Furikake seasoning or roasted sesame seeds (optional)
- Saran wrap
- Make the Rice-A-Roni. Be sure not to overcook or burn. Also, when you put the seasoning into the boiling water, don't put the foil seasoning packet itself into the pot.
- Wash your hands and keep them wet so that the rice doesn't stick to them.
- Pinch some salt over your palms.
- Place a handful of the Rice-A-Roni into one hand and use the other to press and pack the clump together. Be sure to do this before the rice cools.
- Keep shaping until all grains adhere to each other. Bundle the rice until you get a triangular-shaped rice ball. You can make other shapes, but triangles taste the best. (FYI: there are plastic onigiri molds found at your local Asian grocer that can make this task easier. Saran Wrap might also aid the process, if you find it hard to pack and shape.)
- For extra flavoring, sprinkle some furikake seasoning packets or roasted sesame seeds over the rice.
- After heating some appropriately-sized sheets of nori over a frying pan on low heat for a minute, wrap your ball in the sheet of seaweed.
- Serve immediately or wrap each ball in Saran wrap. (The wrap traps the moisture and helps the seaweed and rice ball to stay together.)
- Repeat until you've used all the rice.
- Stick 'em in your mouth and suck 'em.
Did I just lose my Asian pass?
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