Yao Ming's uncle?
I just visited the most educational strip show in Las Vegas: BODIES ... The Exhibition, which displays nude, dissected human bodies in order to showcase their inner workings.
Once I got past (a) the sketchy origin of how the curators acquired these "unclaimed" Chinese bodies, (b) the freak show factor of looking at actual preserved corpses and fetuses, and (c) the fact that human meat looks indistinguishable from some of the entrees at the Treasure Island buffet, I was stunned to learn so much about the human body.
The stimulating exhibit had the effect of convincing visitors to take better care of themselves, especially after the anti-tobacco/drug/alcohol messages and the displays of actual syphilitic uteruses and blackened lungs. (Did you know that each pack of cigarettes takes two hours and twenty minutes off your life?)
Witnessing eyes and fingers on actual fetuses in early stages of development made me contemplate, for the first time in years, to my surprise, that divisive question of when life begins.
But the most entertaining -- and maybe most indelible -- part of the whole Bodies experience was the book of visitors' comments at the end of the tour. Tourists in Las Vegas may have trouble with spelling, but they have no difficulty leaving amusing feedback.
Since no photography was allowed, I used my cell phone to secretly document some of the more priceless comments written by visitors to the exhibit at the Tropicana:

"I think you shode not show balls to kids. It is inpropyit."

"Rizvan - age 4 - learned about bones and peoples and their bodies. His favorite part was the butt and the pee pee and the giant grown. And that's it. Thank you for entertaining ... my son today ... His Mom ..."

"Very entertaining and filled with lots fun facts most people wouldn't normally know. It was enjoyable for the most part and allowed me to feel like I was getting to know my body better. I now have a new appreciation for everything my body does. Thank you very much.
P.S. Emma copied me in the book across from this one on the 6/15/07."

"What a trippp!!!!! We need more va-jay-jays! :)"

"Why wasn't I born today?!!
- Leonardo Da Vinci"

"Your mom wants her syphilitic uterus back."
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