The George Michael of Florida politics?
Normally, I don't care about politicians' sex lives.
I do care about hypocrisy, however, especially when a politician's private life is in direct conflict with the morals and laws that he advocates forcing on others.
But at this point, there are so many anti-gay politicians being outed, so many anti-prostitution flesh pressers being caught for solicitation, and so many pro-marriage politicos being exposed for adultery, that it's rarely worth mentioning.
Do we really need Larry Flynt to remind us that "Republican family values" is an oxymoron?
That said, there is something noteworthy about the latest sex scandal starring Florida Republican state representative Bob Allen (pictured above).
Allen was arrested yesterday for allegedly offering to pay $20 to give oral sex to an undercover male cop in a public restroom.
Not surprisingly, this is the same man who authored a failed "Lewd Or Lascivious Exhibition Act" and has advocated for mandatory life sentences without the possibility of parole for sexual predators.
Again, the legislator's hypocrisy is barely worth mentioning, even if the alleged act took place in a town called Titusville.
What is worth noting, however, is that when you go to Rep. Allen's official website, it says this his sole recreational interest is "water sports."
I'm guessing Rep. Allen has never worn a wetsuit.
Labels: family values, water sports
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