You may have noticed that my blogging has slowed down these last two weeks. Part of the explanation is that another year at USD Law School has started and I'm knee-deep in lesson plans and assignment-planning.
The other reason is because I found out, last week, that I have been chosen as a contestant on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire with host Meredith Vieira.
As there is no longer a fastest-finger component to the show, I will definitely be in the hot seat.
No joke.
My tape date is this upcoming Tuesday, September 11, 2007, in New York City.
Unfortunately, my air date isn't until the week of January 28, 2008 (more specific dates TBA). Painfully, I'm not allowed to let anyone know the results until then.
For every proton of mine that is excited, there are two neutrons that are horrified about the possibility of embarrassing myself on national television. Did I mention I know nothing about science?
In all honesty, my goal is to just make $1,000. This does not stem from modesty, pessimism, or low self-esteem. I figure if I leave with $1,000, I will have my hotel and plane covered, and more importantly, I will not look like a total idiot.
As shameless as I may be, I do not want to become the next Miss South Carolina.
There is lots more to say, but I need to spend whatever spare time I have absorbing all the knowledge of the world.
Let us all pray that the questions are all about the Wu-Tang Clan or Neuticles.
Foreshadowing? ...
Foreshadowing? ...
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