This man is now forced to use Sprint
Today's LA Times has an interesting article about how AT&T's and Verizon's service agreements say that your contract can be terminated or your access to the Interweb can be cut off if the company thinks you are harming its "name or reputation."
I would normally dismiss this as harmless fine print that no company would enforce ... except that Verizon recently cut off Naral, a pro-choice group, from sending text messages. (They recently reversed course after a public outcry.)
This story highlights the danger, in my opinion, of having so many avenues of speech in the hands of a few corporations that are beyond the bounds of the First Amendment's reach.
I'm not suggesting that Verizon or AT&T are planning to censor everything we say, but I am absolutely sure that Verizon now offers High Speed Internet -- Fast, reliable, and just the right price. Just $14.99/mo. for LIFE with a 2-year agreement (up to 768 Kbps). Or you can get 100% fiber-optic speed straight to your home. As low as $29.99/mo. for 6 months (up to 5 Mbps).
Labels: free speech
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