Who needs new episodes of The Office when you have Hot Tub Kenny?
The writers strike will inevitably lead many to spend more time on the Internet for entertainment.
Aside from Poplicks, here are five other gold-star websites I recommend you check out. Each one can easily occupy your attention for at least six months without interruption.
- Men Who Look Like Kenny Rogers -
- Hot Chicks with Douchebags -
- Anonymous Confessions -
- Tampon Crafts -
- Fox News Porn -
This quality site comes with a corn muffin recipe and some Kenny-spotting tips. The "Kenny of the Month Archive" photo on the main page allows me to visualize the infectious fetish that this web page will spread.
Honor that special white-haired someone in your life who looks like Kenny Rogers and upload a photo of him/her today.
Sample photos:

(Credit: Kiarash)
Sample confession:
"I have an obsession with sticking Q-tips in my left ear. Only my left one. Sometimes I will stick a Q-tip in the right one briefly for the sake of balance, but I only like to do it to the left one."Make like a Catholic priest and absorb other people's naughty secrets. Or leave your own.
I used to be embarrassed about buying feminine products at the store, but now I can do so with pride because I have my own need for them.
Hello, fellow Target shoppers! Why yes, I *am* about to make a super-absorbent centerpiece for my family's Thanksgiving dinner:

Website includes step-by-step instructions on how to make everything from a pan flute to a menorah. Great for kids and adults!
A fair and balanced collection of pornographic images and video previously broadcast on Fox News.
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