Remember when I posted that Dolce & Gabbana ad that suggested a glossy gang rape?
Here below is what seems like yet another provocative D&G ad in their gang bang oeuvre, only this time they've eliminated the woman and replaced the victim with a guy who was knocked out cold after drinking a roofie smoothie with a rohypnol boost.

If this photo were in a museum, the piece would certainly be titled "WHAT IS THAT GUY POINTING AT?" because that's what everyone will be discussing.
But art experts and medical students will conclude, as I have, that there is no harmful message or innuendo embedded in this ad.
Rather, the man on the very right is merely teaching his apprentice how to perform a rectal exam to look for signs of colorectal cancer.
Q.E.D. this D&G ad is a P.S.A.
Thanks, Dolce & Gabbana. I'm going to schedule that colonoscopy now!
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