Part One?
The California Correctional Peace Officers Association wants to create a sequel and recall Governor Schwarzenegger.
Given the unconscionable salary cuts and the Governator's sinking approval ratings in Kully-for-nee-uh, now is probably the union's best chance to organize a coup d’état.
I do not support this recall effort, however.
Oh, I'm no fan of Schwarzenegger. I vehemently disagree with many of his positions -- e.g., he supports the Three Strikes law, endorses public school prayer, wants to slash workers' comp. Plus, his more moderate positions on environmental issues, gay rights, and reproductive freedom seem rooted in political expediency, as opposed to personal principle.
But I maintain that recalls and impeachment proceedings should be reserved for those truly reprehensible leaders whose actions are criminal, unconstitutional, or in major breach of the public trust. Leaders like George W. Bush, for example.
Also, CCPOA -- the group leading the recall effort -- is the union instrumental in expanding our state's exploding prison industrial complex and pushing bills that increase prison sentences for victimless crimes. I have no desire to lend that group support.
But perhaps my greatest reason to oppose any recall effort is that I do not have the stamina to withstand another major referendum that will inevitably include gubernatorial candidates Gary Coleman and Mary Carey.
I don't know if I can stomach another round of inane political questions so soon after this election cycle.
Is Gary Coleman black enough? Why isn't Mary Carey wearing a flag pin on her pasties? Does he have the right temperament, given that he has punched a woman? Is the media sexist if it discusses her sinking cleavage line? Whatchu talkin' bout, Arnold? Does being the star of Udder Insanity qualify as executive experience?
God forbid this duo become the next Barack vs. Hillary.
Labels: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gary Coleman, Mary Carey, recall
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