"damn those poor people for losing our money!"
There's been a disturbing trend amongst pundits of late to try to blame the current financial debacle at the feet of poor people and people of color. It's a remarkably brazen smokescreen that smacks of the kind of racially-driven reactionary politics we've seen whenever the economy runs poorly.
Among other places,'s Daniel Gross deconstructs (read: demolishes) the argument as its currently being laid out.
Seriously, is there anything the far right won't blame poor people and people of color for? Global warming (oh wait, that's not man-made)? Missing socks? The Cubs?
I should add: I know it's the trend, especially in the media, to reduce large, complex problems to simple soundbites but this really isn't serving anyone. I think it's equally naive and problematic to assume "fat cat lenders" are solely behind this mess or that de-regulation, by itself, explains it. We are where we are because a whole clusterf*** of things happened (and continue to happen) and as desirable as it is to point a single finger, we need more hands than Kali to do the issue justice.
I'll also add: I caught myself earlier this week, reading the headlines and thinking, "hey, the market is tanking...good for Obama!" as if wanting an election outcome should come at the price of our financial system imploding (and my family's finances along with it). I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted by this race and at this point, Nov. 4th really can't come soon enough so we can stop viewing everything through the prism of the election.
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