You know your approval ratings are low when the secret service won't even take a shoe for you, much less a bullet.
I love how all the articles about this incident explain the context with a sentence like, "Hitting someone with a shoe is a deep insult in the Arab world."
Is there a country where throwing a shoe at someone is a sign of affection or arousal?
Sadly, this might be George W. Bush's finest moment.
First, he gave the Iraqis a true hero: Muntader al-Zaidi will probably have thousands of children named after him.
Second, he has helped Americans to be more liked in the Arab world. Undoubtedly, any moment now, many Americans will begin mailing their shoes to the White House. (The address is 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500 for those of you who are putting your kicks into a box right now.)
Third, he demonstrated his quick thinking and physical agility. He avoided not one but two flying shoes.
My dad is a ninja and sometimes even he gets hit with the occasional flying boot.
Thank goodness nobody got hurt. Otherwise, we would need licenses to carry shoes and animated GIFs like these would be practically illegal:

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