beef? what beef?
So check this out...
Remember when I wrote a few weeks back about the consolidation in alt. weeklies now that New Times bought out Voice Media? One of the things I knew would happen is that content that appears in one publication would end up being syndicated elsewhere and little did I know how this would play out personally.
Once again, I have Byron to thank for this, since these days, he's like my #1 news source for news on me.
In early November, St. Louis' Riverfront Times (a New Times publication) ran a story on Bol, and in it, it discusses our merry little lovers' quarrel from 2004 (more epic than LOTR). So imagine my surprise that the SF Weekly, another New Times publication this week, ran a story in their weekly "Dog Bites" column about me and Bol's sordid affair that is 1) by the same writer from Riverfront Times (Ben Westhoff) and 2) basically just reprints the same relevant passages from the St. Louis story.
The main difference is that the SF Weekly mention is a lot more snarky (as befits the column) and it's clearly been reworked for Bay Area locals (the first sentence reads: "Oliver Wang is perhaps the Bay Area's most politically correct journalist, which would put him well in the running for the most politically correct journalist worldwide." I'd stop and quibble with the insinuation but hey, why bother?). Otherwise, though, it's the same content, just shipped over from St. Louis. I'm not saying this is some gross violation of journalistic ethics (see, there I go, being politically polite) but it is rather hilarious that New Times would prove my earlier point about content duplication so well (hope you got paid twice, Ben).
But hey, let's new story does have some gems in it, including this quote which I hadn't seen before from the Bolster about the Dubster: "I don't really have anything against him personally." Nor I towards Mr. B.C. Never did really (well except for the whole libelous email thing but that's so '04). It's all peace and love as far as I'm concerned. (Yes homo).
(Thanks to K.E. for the heads up)