Yaaarrrrgh! It wasn't me!
There are dozens of good reasons not to vote for John McCain.
For me, his alleged private romantic affairs with another woman is not one of them.
While I appreciate the NY Times's focus on McCain's ethical hypocrisy, I found today's much-anticipated "bombshell" to be entirely dissatisfying. There's flimsy evidence that McCain gave lobbyist Vicki Iseman much of anything illegal, much less a ride on the Straight Talk Express.
By the end of the article, I felt like the allegations were only a few steps removed from Karl Rove's 2000 push-polling allegations in South Carolina that McCain fathered an illegitimate black child.
Even if the Times' allegations prove to be true, I will always resent the Gray Lady for making me visualize a grumpy contrarian
(Did you enjoy the internal rhymes of grumpy/Humpty and contrarian/septuagenarian/ovarian? You're welcome.)
Come to think of it, the most shocking part of the Times's story was that a homophobic Republican politician was exposed for alleged hanky-panky with an actual woman.
I suppose I was expecting something more along the lines of this (warning: NSFW).
There is one upside to this McCain story. When you have a so-called "Maverick" allegedly snookering a woman with the last name Iseman, I mean, c'mon ...

(Credit: Unknown)
Labels: 2008 presidential election, John McCain
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