As a public service, Poplicks will be periodically submitting suggestions to Senator John McCain for potential running mates.
After a substantial vetting process, here is our first nominee for consideration to be the GOP 's next Vice President of the United States:
- PROFESSION: Attorney, Former Prosecutor
- MILITARY EXPERIENCE: Attended the Naval Academy
- EDUCATION: Graduated cum laude from Georgetown; law degree from Indiana University
- AGE: Much younger than McCain
- POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Currently seeking the GOP nomination for Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District; receiving significant local and nationwide press coverage
- BELIEVES IN GUN RIGHTS: On his own website, he proposes enacting a "'Derrenger's for Dildos' policy to put guns in American women's hands instead of divorce aids."
- TOUGH ON CRIME: Wants to bring back the guillotine
- FAMILY VALUES: Major anti-pornography crusader; strongly believes that pornography is a Jewish plot against women
- HAS IDEAS FOR IMPROVING THE ECONOMY: Believes that work productivity is significantly reduced because of employees surfing for Internet porn; recession would therefore end after he bans pornography
- STRAIGHT TALK POTENTIAL: Believes that white people are the victims of a "genocide"; open to idea that all racial groups in the United States should be segregated into different states.
- WILLING TO REACH OUT TO IGNORED GROUPS: Recently attended a birthday party for Adolf Hitler hosted by a White Supremacist party adorning swastikas

- GREAT SOUND BYTES: When asked to defend his appearance at the group's Sieg-Heil-ing gathering, he replied, "I'll speak before any group that invites me ... I've spoken on an African-American radio station in Atlanta."
In sum, Zirkle is an honest and fearless man with nearly flawless Republican credentials. What could go wrong?
You're welcome, John.
Labels: 2008 presidential election
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